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Ps Ben Choo

Week 1 (10 - 16 July): God's Leading

Updated: Jul 25, 2023

Dear Talent Beacon Family,

Thank you for joining us in our first week of journalling together. I wanted to take the time to share how God has been moving within our Home Fellowships, and the direction we are moving towards as we open the chapter of our 7th year as a church.

Notable Events
  1. We welcomed G to the worship team! Over a year ago, she attended our Saturday Celebration for the first time. At that meeting, she received a word that she would lead praise and worship. It was amazing to see the word released fulfilled.

  2. RT1 welcomed O, our first visitor from Mongolia! He is currently in Singapore for a short period to learn English and was invited by MK, one of RT1’s members to join our gathering. It was no coincidence that the Bible Study included the passage from Genesis 11 about Tower of Babel. That night’s time of learning is living proof that while languages may form barriers, our love for God and for others can break down any hurdle. After the session, O told MK that he enjoyed the gathering and was impressed that the study was led by a young person, (AL, who was leading for the first time too!) He asked if he could come back next week, and we look forward to seeing him soon.

  3. The Youth had their first small group gatherings! Guided by their youth leaders, the different groups reflected on their spiritual journey in the earlier half of 2023. This is a season of change for some of them — some are sitting for national examinations or going into university; others are studying for major examinations or hoping to take up new leadership positions within their schools. In the midst of the changes, they have decided to honour their encounters with God and to establish spiritual goals they can work together towards. We pray that as He continues to meet them where they are, they begin to form stronger, closer relationships with Him.

Visions & Prophecies

We opened our first leaders’ meeting for our 7th year with a time of prayer and praise. The Lord’s presence was keenly felt just like at church camp. We asked our Lord to take his place to lead TB again and He invited us to co-labour with him. These were the visions our leaders saw:

  1. Ps Darren saw a vision of two horses that were running in tandem to the tempo of the music.

  2. Lycia saw children dancing in a green field with blue skies. She believes that God is calling us to rise as fathers and mothers, to love and journey with those in our community.

  3. Bryan saw people coming in to TAVA in pairs and being sent out in pairs. He released that there will be more TAVAs.

  4. BH and Darren saw similar visions of a kite with TB’s name flying in the sky. It was in line with an earlier word released by Ps Ben to “Look up! Walk close to God!”

  1. We have completed Alpha and are now conducting Bible Basics, an introductory course on how we can navigate Bible reading. If you’d like to join us on Friday nights for Bible Basics, you can register here on our Home Page. We pray that the new believers will be able to integrate into the Home Fellowships.

  2. We are in the process of applying for membership with the National Council of Churches Singapore. Please join us in prayer for our registration to be completed swiftly.

That's it for this week's update! Looking forward to having Raintree 2 (RT2) tell us more about their latest gathering.

In his love,

Ps Ben


Jul 24, 2023

Wonderful to read about God's hand in different individuals' life and how His divine arrangements are working out!


Jul 23, 2023

Galloping to new heights!

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