It’s hard to believe we’re already 12 days into the new year! Last night, during our first Home Fellowship session of the year, the young adults group delved into the parable of the sower (Mark 4:1-9). The discussion was lively and insightful as we mined the depths of Jesus’ teaching. Two key questions stood out from our conversation.
The first was: What is the state of our hearts? Are our hearts fertile ground where God’s Word can truly take root? As we reflected, we were struck by the imagery Jesus used: the same sun that nurtures the plants also scorches them, causing some to wither. Jesus likens the sun to troubles and persecution. When we encounter trials, do we allow them to strengthen and refine us, or do we let them cause our faith to falter?
The second question was: If we were the farmer, where should we scatter our seeds? In the parable, the farmer doesn’t limit his sowing to good soil. He scatters seed everywhere—even on rocky ground and among thorns. This reminded us that only God truly knows the condition of people’s hearts. As we share the gospel, we shouldn’t discount anyone, even those who might seem unlikely to respond. Often, the most unexpected individuals can become the most fertile soil for God’s Word. The farmer’s role, therefore, isn’t to make the seed grow; it’s simply to scatter it faithfully.
This was a timely reminder for me, as we begin our Academic Guidance programme at TAVA for 2025. As we teach our students week after week, sowing into their lives, my prayer is that God will prepare their hearts and nurture these seeds in ways only He can, bringing growth and transformation beyond what we can imagine.
As we enter 2025, I pray that our hearts remain yielded to God, so that His Word really takes root in our lives. May His word be for us our daily bread, may it give us strength for each day. May we also continue to sow seeds faithfully, and trust God to bring the harvest.
(on behalf of RT1)