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Week 23 (10 - 16 June): God's Gift - Friendship

Updated: Jul 10, 2024

Why does God make friends?

It certainly brings back the refreshing experience of doing the Treasure Hunt at Jewel Changi Airport with the TAVA kids. It reminded me of the Amazing Race, a long running TV series. Although the hunt is not as intensive and adrenaline driven, it certainly is challenging and fun. We were teams solving clues and striving to complete the hunt in shortest possible time. The whole hunt was fun-filled and we enjoyed the occasional tea break when stopping at the different locations. We had Old Chang Kee and Auntie Anne's Pretzels! Throughout, there was great camaraderie among the teammates and unity as we aimed to reach our common goal irrespective of our differences in personality. In the midst of playfulness, there is sense of belonging, valuing of relationships.

As a believer, we know that God never intended for us to walk alone through life. That is why he created friends, and placed these special people in our path to walk with us. It is important and in Christ's nature that God wanted us to love one another, to live in unity and harmony and to cultivate relationships with one another. He wanted us to see past our diversity and to build bridges of unity. God created us differently for his plan, we do not have to strive for perfection or seek validation from others, as we are fearfully and wonderfully made with God’s love. Friendship is a bond in love, and essential to the Christian life for it help us to change and grow. 

Never a shortage of sumptuous dinners, our home fellowships have also brought along new friends which encouraged us to see and experience God in many new ways. We support, listen and intercede for one another. We build friendships that build one another up, just as what God has intended for us to do. 

Since our first Chinese Breakfast programme started (早晨点心), we have met more friends from many new blocks. Our sessions give us a chance to offer companionship to the community, as God desires for us to love one another as a community. We hope to bring friendship - gift of God, a source of joy and support to our friends. Last Sunday in celebration of Father’s Day, we shared the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15) The highlight was sharing by Albert, which was delivered with sincerity and warmth. I'm sure all the fathers present resonated with him, especially when he talked about his wayward behaviour in the past, his transformation and his restored relationship with his parents at the end. We learn that as humans, be it parents, children, friends etc — if we have done wrong, God will wait for us to repent and when we ask for forgiveness, He will welcome us back. 

Thank you Father for your grace and forgiveness which we do not deserve, but is freely given because you love us in the same way that a father loves his children. We pray that you help us to love others the way you love us.

Signing off,

Sandie (for Chinese HF)




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