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Week 25 (24 - 30 June): Kingdom in Abundance

Updated: Jul 10

We all understand that Christ died on the cross to redeem us from sin, death and guilt. This freedom empowers us to celebrate life and life in abundance. He also gave us the inner peace and grace that will guard our hearts and minds so that we are ‘armed’ to combat against poverty of various natures: spiritual, relational, motivational and material. Together in partnership with the Holy Spirit, our identity in Christ gets nurtured and established.

This inner abundance deposited in us, enables us to prosper in all aspects of our lives. Prosperity in the sense of having an overall healthy well-being, growing in spiritual maturity as the state of our hearts get renewed, gaining greater clarity in our minds and displaying more Christlike attitudes in all circumstances.

This inner prosperity is to permeate into every aspect of our daily lives, until it becomes a lifestyle. Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks ( Matt 12:34). Kind words spoken to edify, comfort and encourage (Proverbs 10:11). Thinking noble thoughts (Philippians 4:8).

Intentional efforts to emulate Christ trains us to view people, situations and the world through Jesus’ lens. In every opportunity (at home or in the marketplace), the consistency in demonstrating Kingdom values and godly faith, lays the foundation to create a kingdom culture, allowing us to engage and enlarge our circle of influence, for God. People around us will see the goodness of God (He is the Light and the Way) in us and be like moths, drawn to the Light.

God sees the heart of man (Proverbs 4:23) and not the outward appearance. Let us not be shallow. Remembering this abundance in Kingdom is far better and beyond the worldly prosperity of immense wealth, material or status.

Let us not squander this precious kingly inheritance that our heavenly Father have thoughtfully deposited in each one of us. Just as Jesus taught and commanded, we are to share and spread this abundance in every possible circumstances.

Here are some challenging but practical daily reminders to inspire ourselves, to be ever ready vessels to project God’s goodness, in all circumstances and within our circles of influence.

1. Be consistent in our journey with Jesus. Read the bible and seek him daily. Do not ail the holy spirit.

2. Surrender all anxieties to God. Anxiety creates Fear. Both, cloud the hearts and minds. Reducing our creativity for God.

3. Place our mustard seeds of faith in God in ALL situations. He may not always rescue you from the challenging situation. But believe He will never leave or forsake us because of His love for us.

4. Surrender the rights to bear grudges towards those who offend or hurt us.

5. Remember to show care and love.

6. Bless others (within your means)

7. Remember to rest.

Signing off on behalf of Diakonia,



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