Pastor Darren and I have the privilege of co-writing this week’s journal entry.
Cheryl and Darren visited Jacob’s Well while I returned to RT1 after 2 Saturdays at Chinese Alpha. In each HF we discussed John 1:35-51. It is our 5th week of Discovery Bible Study and its very encouraging to see our people taking to memorising Bible passages and retelling them to others.
In this week’s reading, John the Baptist pointed his disciples toward Jesus, the lamb of God and these disciples in turn pointed others toward Jesus, the saviour. A lifestyle with kingdom impact has a ripple effect. On Saturday evenings, we gather in various homes, united by our love for Jesus and an unwavering desire for others to encounter Him. Our Home Fellowships and Youth Centre provide spaces for us to invite others to meet with Jesus just like Andrew and Philip did. While Jesus no longer has a physical body, we, His church, are the body of Christ and as we lead authentic spirit-filled lives, people will be able to encounter Jesus.
In TBF’s statement of purpose, abbreviated as D.A.R.E, the “D” stands for Directing people to Jesus. The Great Commission calls us to make disciples who desire to follow Jesus, not man. Ps Darren shared that discipleship isn’t a class but an invitation to “come and see” (John 1:39).
At RT1, the gathering of younger adults, H brought a friend, who was much older than the rest but still with a heart to follow Jesus. He lost his sight 10 years ago due to medical negligence. Prior to that he was a successful businessman. He listened intently and even memorised the Bible passage that Alvin, our facilitator, read and retold to him. He shared of having encounters with Jesus while he was in a coma and how in those encounters Jesus told him, “Son, hang in there!” At the end, he reminded us of the importance of forgiveness and shared how he prayed daily to forgive those who caused his injury. His sharing was a wake up call for me to be grateful and keep focused on Jesus.
The latter half of the passage is on Nathanael – his initial doubt over the identity of Christ but in taking a step of faith had one life-changing encounter with Christ. Some people that we meet are just like Nathanael. They may initially struggle to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Jesus did not judge him but led by the Spirit, prophesied and spoke into Nathanael’s life. We are called to do the same. At Jacob’s Well, the group reflected that people like Aunty Carol (my mum :)), showers love and hospitality on people which draws them to Jesus. She does not judge them but meets them where they are. As we share his love authentically, the supernatural begins to take place.
In your reflection this week, you may wish to refer to these pointers:
1. How did you come to know Jesus? Did someone invite you to “come and see”? Give thanks for the people who have led us into a deeper knowledge of God.
2. If Jesus were to ask you, “What do you want?”, what would your response be? What does that tell you about yourself?
3. Is there someone that God is leading you to invite to meet him?
Ps Ben & Ps Darren