This week, RT2 and 521 were sent out to different venues, and I visited RT1. We reflected on Jesus' first miracle. The 12-verse event which we had become familiar with became the source of many first revelations for our group of 12.
In this week's reading, we were drawn to how Jesus' first miracle was at a wedding. Jesus is the Bridegroom and we are His bride. He had also spoken of the parable of the wedding banquet to illustrate the Kingdom of Heaven. With these in mind, it became such a beautiful revelation for us when we registered that our Bridegroom's first miracle was at a wedding banquet!
We were also intrigued by how Jesus performed the miracle right after He said that His hour had not yet come. It is likely that the hour of his public ministry hadnt arrived and thus, this miracle was known only to the servants, disciples and Mary. Here we see how Love cares about the things that we care about; if it matters to us, it matters to Him. He is also our Ephesians 3:20 God for Jesus not only provided wine, He provided more than enough of the best wine. In Him, we can trust that His heart is always to bless us.
Another noteworthy observation was how Mary and the servants, who have never seen Him perform any miracles before this point, displayed childlike faith in Him. Mary knew He was the Son of God and as a mother, she likely believed in her child like any mother would. However what we are seeing here, is the significant difference between believing that your child is a miracle versus believing Him for a miracle. We never saw Mary returning to check in on the servants or ask Jesus how did it go? She simply entrusted Him with her request, let go and let God.
Likewise, the servants simply obeyed Mary and Jesus despite what they were seeing in the natural. They obeyed Jesus with each step up to the point of serving the wine which they themselves had not tasted prior, to the Master of the ceremony. Despite being servants, they were among the first to witness Jesus' glory and the first to be used by God for signs and wonders. God can use anyone and desires to co-labour with us even though He can do it Himself. All He needs from us is our willingness, our first step in obedience.
We are also reminded of this childlike faith in our leaders at TAVA’s Appreciation Dinner 2024 last night. It was a wonderful night of celebrating how far God has brought us on this journey, which started with the leaders’ first steps of “Yes, God” by faith and not by sight. The time and love sowed in the last 10 years have culminated in a community of residents who are now not just reapers but also sowers of their own time and talent.
God's love language is obedience. Some of us may not be in a place where we can be willing or able to pray without hestitation, “Your will be done”. However, perhaps we can start with a heart posture of being willing for Him to make us willing. For our willingness to begin with "Yes, God", one small step at a time.
On behalf of RT2/521