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Raintree 1

Week 5 (7 Aug – 13 Aug): Our Identity in Christ

Updated: Aug 20, 2023

Dear TB Family,

This week was certainly an interesting one for RT1. We experienced many firsts this week: first time meeting at Pastor Ben and Andrea’s new home; first time worshipping in a newly fitted room; first time having a bilingual session, as we combined groups with the ladies in the Chinese Home Fellowship. It was certainly challenging and hilarious, as we took turns to translate what we wanted to say in very stilted Chinese. It must have been quite the sight for our Fijian brother, Marika, who was confused as to why a group of Chinese people could not speak their own Mother Tongue! Despite the language barrier, however, Holy Spirit was in our midst, speaking to each and every heart. Interesting questions were raised, which we will leave here for you to ponder over:

  • God made a covenant with Abraham, and his descendants. God also blessed Ishmael. What is the difference between a blessing and a covenant?

  • God, who is just, announces judgment on Sodom. Yet, God in His mercy also provides Abraham an opportunity to practise intercession, and even rescues Lot in answer to Abraham’s prayer. What is the difference between justice and mercy?

  • How can someone like Lot, who offered his daughters to his wicked neighbours, be counted as righteous before God?

  • Why did Abraham stop at ten people? Why didn’t he go one step further, to ask if God would spare Sodom for the sake of just one person?

By the end of the session, we each shared a takeaway from Genesis 17-19. Praise God that He revealed an aspect of Himself to every heart.

One question that Andrea, our facilitator for the night, raised was, 'what is the significance of a name change?' Marika felt led to share his testimony. Having been born to a Korean father and a Fijian mother, he was given a Korean name at birth, which made him feel isolated from the rest of his community in Fiji. Because of his foreign name, he never felt like he belonged. However, when he was adopted, he was given a Fijian name by his adoptive parents. He felt like a brand new person -- a person who had finally found a sense of belonging, a family. 'Our names carry our identities,' he said. 'I started to be bold in what I do in that environment because the given name made a difference in my approach in different situations. Knowing my new father gave me a new sense of Identity.'

After he shared his testimony, Auntie C encouraged Marika by telling him how much of an inspiration he was to her, by simply being himself. During her recent trip to Manado and Sorong, she loved the children she met by simply hugging them and showing them a mother's heart. This was a far cry from the past, when she used to be more reserved with her physical affection. She said that she was thinking of Marika and how far he goes as a missionary to love the people he serves. When she was sharing this, Auntie C teared up. It was definitely one of the most memorable moments that night. When two people are united in the Spirit, there is a deep, heartfelt connection that goes beyond words. We thank God for a family and a bond that transcends language.

We also rejoice that last week, Angeline got baptised. Reflecting on her baptism, she says:

‘I have been feeling deeply appreciative of the people in my life. These people (who came to my baptism) were snapshots of different moments in my life, from my schooling days, to the various hobbies I get involved with now. To have them all together during my baptism was other-worldly as I got to chart the path through these snapshots of a life that I now see and intimately realise could only have been orchestrated by God. Moving forward, I am excited to be a TB member and to get the TB member rates on events!’

Prayer requests:

The young adults are currently planning an activity for the youth on the 26th of August. Please keep us and the event in prayer. We hope it will be a wonderful time of bonding as a family!

'Til next time!

Signing off,



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