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Ps Ben Choo

Week 40 (7 - 13 Oct): Embracing the Authority of Jesus

It’s been another busy week! 

Over the last weekend, Talent Beacon celebrated the wedding of Bryan and Jordan.  Both have contributed immensely to TAVA and the community at Bukit Batok. It was heartwarming to see so many of the residents attend their wedding. The TAVA kids (some not so kiddy anymore!) and volunteers also served as ushers. Their presence at the wedding was their way of showing love, appreciation and the special place that Bryan and Jordan have in the community.  


As Bryan was also Talent Beacon’s first youth pastor, our youth showed up in full force to help at the wedding. Li Xun deserves a special mention. She played keys for worship in the midst of exams and whilst battling a nasty virus through the week. I believe she showed up as she did not want to disappoint the couple, but more importantly, it was her act of faith and worship to our God. We are very proud of our youth.   


Our youth, at that time kids, were the foremost consideration when we set up Talent Beacon. We were concerned that by leaving an established church, we would not have the critical mass and the know-how to run church for kids. Yet we believed that they and we needed a new environment where we could focus on living and sharing the gospel beyond the confines of a church building. I am glad we made this decision. Today, we see that Talent Beacon functions as a platform for people to pursue their destinies in Christ.  


This week I was with RT1 (Young Adults) and we memorised Mark 1:21-28. Sheryl led for this first time and did very well to share the story about Jesus driving out an impure spirit from a man in Capernaum. I must have read this passage tens of times but on this reading, I noticed for the first time that the incident took place in the synagogue. We don’t know if the demonic manifestations took place in the synagogue regularly but my guess is that it did not. I cannot imagine the synagogue leaders allowing their meetings to be regularly disrupted. It was the presence and teaching of Jesus that forced the demon to reveal itself.  In the same way, we can pretend that all is fine but when we embrace the authority of Jesus in our lives, there could be ugly things that surface, but these are things that we no longer need in our new life in Christ. 


At the end of the meeting, I prayed for our church to be a place where Jesus’ authority is recognised, even if it means that our meetings are disrupted. It is important that we allow his Spirit to guide his Body (the church) to set people free from unclean influences. This is an essential aspect of living our destinies in Christ.  

  Over at the Belimbing HF, Ps Angela facilitated a session on how to use her new book. It has been a great tool for journaling and reflection. We are excited that she will be launching a 2nd volume soon. 

Have a great rest of the week!


Ps Ben


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