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Week 41 (14 - 20 Oct): All Authority in Heaven and Earth

This week our Diakonia-Belimbing Home Fellowship had a bonus session covering 2 gospel stories (we missed one last week as we were blessed to have Ps Angela with us!)


The first gospel story, Mark 1: 21-28, is Jesus healing a man with an unclean spirit. Eng Siong and Edwin prepared an impressive presentation, with an animation that helped us visualise the story so clearly.


We learned that Jesus had a pattern of ministry which was authoritative. Mark, in this passage, used the word “authority” twice – concerning Jesus’ teaching and the casting out of the unclean spirit.


Jesus taught as one having authority and knowledge of Scripture unlike the scribes. This was evident to the people as they were “astonished” by Jesus’ teachings. Even the unclean spirit in the man recognised the authority of Jesus – calling him “The Holy One”.


Authoritative teaching leads to authoritative acts – with authority, Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit – calling it to be quiet and to come out of the man.


Jesus’ authority was also evident in our second gospel story of Mark 2:1- 12 (Jesus healing the paralytic) although Mark chose to use the word “power” here instead of “authority”.  In this passage, Jesus demonstrated His power by telling the paralytic that his sins have been forgiven and commanding him to arise, take up his bed and walk!


Indeed, we serve an authoritative and powerful God! And we are called upon to do likewise! Jesus has given us power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent us to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick (Luke 9: 1-2) - Let’s go do it! 


Our group also spent some time contemplating the actions and responses of the people in the second story. 


We noted the sharp contrast between the scribes and the crowd – one with hardened hearts; the other filled with amazement and glorified God after seeing what Jesus had done. We asked who we identify with… reminding ourselves never to let our hearts be hardened, but to always give thanks and glory to God.


We marvelled at the tenacity of the paralytic’s four friends, fighting against the crowd and breaking the roof to bring their friend to Jesus. This tenacity stems from their faith in Jesus!


Jesus noticed their faith and forgave the paralytic of his sins. This is a good reminder for us to remain steadfast in faith for our friends’ salvation or healing. Our faith could move Jesus to save them and heal them.


Melody, one of our facilitators, posed these questions to us for the evening:


-       How are you going to show God’s love to your friends with your actions?

-       Will you be like the 4 friends in the passage?

-       Will you persevere in showing God’s love to your friends even when things are hard?

-       How can you demonstrate your faith to your pre-believer friends?


Faithfully yours,

Your friends at Diakonia-Belimbing






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