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Our Guiding Light

We believe our purpose is to:

people to Jesus – the way, the truth and the life; 

encourage and guide the self-discovery of

God-given gifts and talents;

the love of Christ and the reality of

the person of the Holy Spirit; 

and empower the saints to live out their

Kingdom Destiny.

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Ps Ben is part of the team that started Talent Beacon Fellowship. He has practised as a lawyer for over 20 years. Recently, he completed his theological training with TCA College where he graduated with a Master of Arts (Christian Ministry).

He is married to Andrea, his girlfriend from junior college. They have 4 strapping lads and a golden retriever. They enjoy spending time with people and believe that Christian ministry is meant to exist in every sphere of our lives. He believes people should embrace life and take themselves less seriously!

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Ps Darren is an IT professional with more than 20 years of experience designing and delivering software solutions in the Supply Chain industry. He became a Christian in 2014 after receiving a miracle touch from God when someone prayed for him whilst hospitalized. Since then, he has left behind his old lifestyle, and now passionately lives out the Word and being the church. He attended TCA college in 2020 and graduated with a Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies. He is now pursuing the Master of Arts program with the School of Theology in TCA college. He is married to Cheryl and together, they have a daughter – Natalie.

Although born and raised in Singapore, Darren has roots stemming from Penang, Malaysia. His love for Singaporean and Malaysian food shows up in his flavour of hosting home fellowships, and in his style of sharing Christ - taste and see that the Lord is good! He also enjoys cycling along food trails and will stop for photography and refuelling.


The Bible as the Word of God

We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be God-breathed, inspired and infallible Word of God.

The Triune God

We believe that there is one true and eternal Triune God, existing in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus as the Saviour of all mankind

We believe in the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ as the only perfect, acceptable sacrifice for all mankind. We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Almighty Father until he returns in glory to judge the living and the dead.

The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

We believe in the importance of the Holy Spirit and the necessity of His baptism, so that He can abide in and work through every believer in Jesus.

The Church

We believe the Church to be the body and bride of Christ, having Jesus as its Author, Redeemer and Lord. We believe the Church is divinely inspired and called to live out a life that glorifies and obeys God: loving God and man, adhering to the teachings of Jesus Christ, working in partnership with the Holy Spirit to be effective witnesses for God wherever He leads.

The Great Commission

We believe that it is every believer’s purpose to preach the Gospel, to grow through discipleship and disciple others, and to be an effective witness of Jesus Christ wherever and however the Holy Spirit leads.

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